BT Asset Hub Referral Program

Written by Black Tie Digital News | Jul 8, 2024 6:19:56 AM

The BT Asset Hub Referral Program is designed to reward both referring partners and individual referrers for bringing new investors to the platform. Each fund hosted on the BT Asset Hub maintains a 10% reward pool, which is the cost of procuring investors. This 10% referral reward is paid in B4RC, the platforms native token and can be shared between a referring partner and an individual referrer, with a maximum of 5% each.


Each funds reward pool level is dynamic and shifts with the level of investment raised on the platform, always remaining at 10% availability. If the reward pool for that fund is exhausted, it cannot accept any further B4RC redemptions.


The B4Real Community Token (B4RC) is designed to foster community engagement and reward active participation within the B4Real ecosystem and underpins the BT Asset Hub referral program. B4RC is always redeemable at the ratio of 1 B4RC = $1 AUD in value by all established asset on the hub.

Referral Tiers

  • Referring Partner

Organizations or individuals who have a network of potential investors

Must be approved by the asset manager

Can earn up to 5% of the investment value from referred investors

  • Individual Referrer

Individuals who refer new investors to the platform

Must be approved by the asset manager

Can earn up to 5% of the investment value from referred investors


Program Details

  • Reward Pool

Each fund on the BT Asset Hub allocates 10% of its value in as a reward pool for referrals by accepting up to 10% of investment fund received by way of B4RC tokens.

Referral Split The 10% B4RC referral reward can be split between the referring partner and the individual referrer, with each eligible to earn up to 5%


  • Two-Level Referral

The referral program extends only to two levels

Level 1 Direct referrals by the referring partner

Level 2 Direct referrals by individual referrers under the referring partner


Approval Process

Referring Partners and Individual Referrers Must be approved by the asset manager to participate in the referral program


Tagged Investors

Every investor on the BT Asset Hub must be tagged to a referrer. If an investor is not referred, they are automatically tagged to BT Admin as the referring partner with funds allocated to marketing the BT Asset Hub.


Example Scenario

Referring Partner A refers Individual Referrer B to the BT Asset Hub

Individual Referrer B refers Investor C to invest in a fund on the platform

Investor C makes an investment of $10,000

The total referral reward from Investor C’s investment is 1,000 B4RC (10% of $10,000)

Referring Partner A receives 500 B4RC (5% of $10,000)

Individual Referrer B receives 500 B4RC (5% of $10,000).

Referral rewards are paid in B4RC tokens by the platforms B4RC reward pool.


Program Rules

Referral rewards are paid out from the 10% B4RC reward pool allocated by each fund.

Each referrer must be approved by the asset manager to ensure compliance and legitimacy

Non-referred investors who register on the BT Asset Hub are automatically tagged to BT Admin as the referring partner with funds allocated to marketing the BT Asset Hub.

The referral program can only extend to two levels (referring partner and individual referrer)

Referral rewards are paid in B4RC tokens by the platforms B4RC reward pool.


How to Participate

  • Register – Create an account on the BT Asset Hub platform
  • Apply - Apply to become a referring partner or individual referrer
  • Approval - Get approved by the asset manager and receive your unique referrer code landing page.
  • Refer - Start referring potential investors to the platform
  • Earn - Earn up to 10% of the investment value for each referred investor, received as reward tokens from the platforms B4RC rewards pool.

Join the BT Asset Hub waitlist and become a Referral Partner here: